Monday, April 14, 2008

Seniors dissect politics

Don't miss your colleagues speaking about their research for senior theses. Reception in Little Pub follows each set of presentations.

Monday April 21 7PM

Matt D'Amico, "Digital Pluralism: The Internet and Interest Groups"
Jack Prior, "Don't Tase Me Bro, but Vote for Me: Youtube and Campaigns"
Sarah Bryant, "Money and Politics: Assessing BCRA in 2006 and 2008"
Reid Snyder, "The Selling of the President 1968-2008: The Changing Role of Campaign Consultants"

Location Science G041

Tuesday, April 22 7PM
Richard Bryan, "Before Steroids: The Political History of Congress and Baseball"
Jon Glusband, "Magnum Force: Gun Control as a Campaign Issue"
Katie Plummer, "We are the Change:The Electoral Significance of Generation Y"

Location Science G041

Wednesday April 23 7PM

Garrett Reeb, "Barack Obama and the Politics of Racial Identity"
Ann Bickerton, "Is a Woman's Place in the White House? Hillary Clinton and the Politics of Gender"
Emanuel Rosario, "Issues of Race and Ethnicity in Disaster Preparedness and Planning: The Case of Katrina" Location: Kirner-Johnson 223

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